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Internet technology wave is swapping whole world and surpassing the impacts created by any technologies of the past. Internet is giving new dimension to communications, business, news media, entertainment and education. Various technologies like Radio,Telephone,Television & Internet will get synchronize & merged in future. This will evolve CONVERGENCE phenomenon. This trend has already begun. Today, we use networking of computers. Future, will be internetizing & networking of radio, TV and computers, combined. Internet techology is good and useful as long as it is used in a right way else may prove much worst than nuclear technology if used wrongly.

When the whole world is getting swayed by internet how can I remain delinked from experience of developing internet site by myself. Zeal for learning new things has enabled me to develope this website.

My sincere thanks to Dr.Raj Mehta. , who was instrumental in triggering the desire for developement of my website. My wife Swarda who often reminded me about developing website & without her perseverance this would have been impossible. I appreciate her encouragement.

Thanks for your time to visit this website. Your feedback/suggestions are highly solicited. Use FEEDBACK option.

Anil Jabade

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